<< Vol 5, # 3 (2023 г.) Vol 5, # 4 (2023 г.) Vol 6, # 1 (2024 г.) >>
Articles |
Yu.A. Vinogradov, I.N. Sokolova, I.P. Gabsatarova Chemical explosion of October 18, 2023 at the Nevada Test Site....................................7
L.I. Ioganson, A.N. Ovsyuchenko, G.Yu. Dontzova Seismic activations in Turkey in the 17th – early 21st centuries and Kahramanmarash earthquakes on February..............................................................................................20
Yu.F. Kopnichev, I.N. Sokolova Characteristics of ring-shaped seismicity at depths up to 110 km prior to large and great earthquakes in subduction zones of the Pacific.............................................................41
A.V. Mikheeva, I.I. Kalinnikov On the influence of the supposed global deep fault on the strong earthquakes in Indonesia ....................................................................................................................52
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