The Russian Journal of Seismology

Rules for submitting articles to

 the Russian Journal of Seismology


  • In the process of preparing materials and working on this site, it is necessary to obey the Rules of Publication Ethics  and recommendations published on the website of the International Committee on Publication Ethics ( COPE)


  Compliance by the authors of the article with the requirements for the manuscript set out below is mandatory. If the manuscript does not meet these requirements, the editorial staff will be forced to return it to the authors.

  The article must be submitted in Russian or English. The article should be 10–15 pages long, including illustrations, tables, bibliography and the English language section. The authors are responsible for compliance of their articles to these requirements, including its content, design and timely revision of articles in accordance with the comments of reviewers.

  The editorial board has the right to refuse to publish an article that is not relevant to the journal or containing drawings and other graphic material of unsatisfactory quality.

   The editors assume the right to minor formatting of texts and figures in order to correct errors and typos without the consent of the authors.

  Materials for publication are submitted by the authors to the editorial office at the email address ( with articles attached in file formats *doc, *docx, *rtf including inserted or separate figures (see. Section  Manuscript technical design). 

    Files larger than 20 MB in one letter are not recommended to send.


Article layout

(Times New Roman font)

a) UDC identifier, regular font, size 11 pt.

b) Article title, bold non-italic font, all capital letters, size 16 pt, left alignment.

c) Initials and surname of the author (authors) uppercase, regular font, size 11 pt, left alignment.

d) Full name of the institution and its location (city, country), regular font, size 11 pt, left alignment.

e) Annotation – from 150 to 250 words (should include basic information about the content of the article, the most important results and conclusions); the regular font, size 10 pt, justified.

f) Keywords – no more than 10 words, regular font, size 10 pt, justified.

g) Article text should contain the following main sections:

– introduction, in which it is necessary to indicate the purpose of the study;

– description of the research method and factual material;

– research results and discussion;

– conclusion.

   The main section may include subsections.

  Regular font, size 11 pt, justified. Figures should be inserted into the text and additionally presented as separate files (see the section "Technical design of the manuscript").

h) The bibliography contains a list of cited sources. The font for the names and initials of the authors is bold, for the rest of the link is regular, size 10 pt.

i) A s eparate page should contain information about the authors: full name, scientific degree or rank, job position, place of work, institution address, e-mail.

Manuscript technical design

    Text. Page format – А4; margins – left, right, top and bottom margins – 2.5 cm; file format – MS Word. Typeface – Times New Roman. The font size of the main text is 11 pt, justified. No text wrapping. Line spacing is single, the beginning of a paragraph is indented by 0.5 cm. There is no page numbering. The designations of variables in the text (Russian or Latin) are typed in italics, Greek letters, as well as subscript and superscript indices, in regular font ( К,  E,  MРрS …,ноg, a, m, n, u, t, s, К P, I 0 Р,…). Units are typed in italics in Cyrillic. ( km, N ×m, J…). Greek letters and non-letter characters (=, ±, +, ~, D, <, >, ³, £, ×, ´, °) should be typed with Symbol font. A dash is used to indicate the range (e.g. 3–10 pages, 1996–1999, west – southwest). The automatic numbering of lists in the text is not allowed.

     Formulasare typed using the MS Equation Editor 3.0 formula editor (or another version built into the Word text editor). The units are in Cyrillic. Formulas are numbered on the right, in parentheses.

    Figuresshould be inserted in the text of the publication and provided as separate files. File formats: vector types –CDR, EPS, WMF; raster types –TIF, JPG. The preferred chart file formats are XLS or XLSX, GRF, SRF, SVG and PS non protected with the ability to be edited to bring them to a single publication format. Resolution of illustrations not less than 300 dpi.

    Tables must comply with the formats of this publication. Font size 10 pt.

    Bibliography should begiven at the end of the article and performed according to the standard of the APA (American Psychological Association). The list of references is formed in alphabetical order and is not numbered. The font is Times New Roman, 10 pt, justified. References to sources in the text are made in the form [ Malovichko, 2017], [ Malovichko et al., 2015] – for three or more authors.

Treatment of the article in the Editorial Board

   The received article is checked for compliance with the above requirements for the manuscript. The Editorial Board has the right to refuse to publish an article that is not relevant to the journal or containing drawings and other graphic material of unsatisfactory quality.

   The executive secretary of the Editorial Board distributes articles among reviewers. After reviewing the article, it is submitted to the authors for corrections, taking into account the comments made in the reviews. The article corrected by the authors is re-reviewed and then discussed by the Editorial Board of the journal, which accepts the article or rejects it. Editors do not return manuscripts of rejected articles.

   Accepted articles are being edited. The editors send the authors an edited Russian version of the article for verification. Further passage of the Russian version of the article is controlled by the editors. Authors receive electronic files of published articles in Russian.

   More details about the Rules for reviewing and publishing manuscripts submitted to The Russian Journal of Seismology are set out on the journal’s website in the section Peer Review .


The journal issue (V6, #3, 2024) was published
The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol.
 25.09.2024 21:31
The journal issue (V6, #2, 2024) was published
The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol.
 21.06.2024 12:36
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