The Russian Journal of Seismology

The Russian Journal of Seismology – is a peer-reviewed periodical scientific publication providing in accordance with the Regulations (PDF - RUS) original articles, reviews, and reports of scientific events, in Russian or in English, on a wide range of issues in theoretical and applied seismology.

The goal of publication

Propagation of information on new scientific results, discussion of topical issues of seismology and related disciplines, informing the scientific community about events in the world of science.

The theme of the journal

The Russian Journal of Seismology publishes author's articles containing the results of modern experimental and theoretical research, new methods of processing and interpretation, scientific reviews on the following topics:

• theory, methodology and results of multilevel seismological studies, including the results of continuous seismological monitoring, seismic forecast, seismic zoning, seismic hazard assessment;

• theory, methods and algorithms of processing and interpretation of seismological data, mathematical aspects of modeling geophysical fields and processes, organization of calculations and implementation of seismological software;

• seismicity survey in the world, Eurasia and Russia according to currently obtained data;

• methodology and metrology of field and observatory seismological observations, consideration of the results;

• induced seismicity;

• seismology engineering;

• seismotectonics, modern movements, deep structure and geodynamics;

• earthquake origin physics;

• seismic monitoring of natural and man-made processes;

• seismological databases, network technologies in the organization of observations, information exchange and calculations.

Published informational materials include:

• chronicle of scientific events;

• brief reports on awards, anniversaries, obituaries;

• other information related to the activities of the GS RAS and other scientific institutions of a similar orientation.

The Journal does not publish:

• materials not compliant to the orientation of the journal;

• copyrighted materials issued previously in other publications;

• articles containing drawings and other graphic materials of unsatisfactory quality;

• articles that do not contain new information and results compared to previously published works;

• articles containing factual, metrological, mathematical or other errors that cannot be corrected;

• articles containing statements and hypotheses directly contradicting established scientific facts;

• fiction and journalistic works on any topics, including scientific;

• any information and announcements not directly related to the scientific activity;

• materials containing information constituting an official (commercial) or state secret, as determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and departmental regulatory acts, agreements, etc.;

• offensive materials, defamation or knowingly false information in relation to citizens or organizations.

Issues (instances) of the Journal can be formed from articles of various topics or be thematic, devoted to one area of scientific research, symposia, conferences, etc., as well as anniversaries of organizations and individual scientists.


4 issues per year

Free access policy

The publication provides direct open access to its content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to an increase in global knowledge sharing.


- Russian State Library

- Library of Natural Sciences (LNS), RAS

- State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSL SB RAS)

- Central Scientific Library of the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INTS SB RAS)

- Library of the Federal Research Center "Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

- Library of the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (IPE RAS)

- Library of the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS)

- Library of the Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics of RAS (IEPTMG RAS)

Publication fee

Publication in the journal for authors is free.

The editors do not charge authors for the preparation, placement and printing of materials.


Information for subscribers of the print version: subscription index of the publication ______;

You can subscribe to the print version on the website, either at the post office using the Press of Russia catalog.


Publications in the journal are included in the systems of calculating the citation indices of authors and journals. The journal is indexed in systems:


Disclosure Policy and Conflicts of Interest

Unpublished data from manuscripts submitted for consideration cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the Author. Information or ideas received during the review and related to potential benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts in case of conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative and other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work.

Borrowing and plagiarism

The editorial board of the journal, when considering an article, can conduct a material check using the system Antiplagiarism. If numerous borrowings are discovered, the editorial staff acts in accordance with the COPE rules.


The journal issue (V6, #3, 2024) was published
The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol.
 25.09.2024 21:31
The journal issue (V6, #2, 2024) was published
The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol.
 21.06.2024 12:36
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GS RAS  © 2001-2024
Address of publication: 249035, Russia, Kaluga rgn., Obninsk, Lenin ave. 189.
E-mail:, Ph.: +7(495)912-68-72, +7(484)393-14-05