<< Vol 5, # 2 (2023 г.) Vol 5, # 3 (2023 г.) Vol 5, # 4 (2023 г.) >>
Articles |
Yu.A. Vinogradov, M.I. Ryzhikova, S.G. Poygina, N.V. Petrova, M.V. Kolomiets Global earthquakes in the 2023 first half according to the GS RAS.................................7
A.N. Ovsyuchenko, A.S. Larkov, N.V. Andreeva, R.N. Lukashova Seismotectonics of sources of strong earthquakes in the Caucasus: Results of studies by Evgeny Alexandrovich Rogozhin...................................................................................28
E.E. Kosyakina, A.V. Liseikin, P.V. Gromyko, V.S. Seleznev Control of the technical condition of buildings and structures on permafrost soils by the changes in the frequencies of natural vibrations (according to seismic monitoring of a pile-type building – the Palace of culture of Norilsk).....................................................45
A.M. Muraliev, F.S. Abdyldaeva, M. Seitaliev, A.V. Berezina, G.A. Sabirova Development of seismic monitoring in Kyrgyzstan........................................................59
K.Yu. Silkin A neural network expert system that allows assessing the quality of the algorithm for choosing the parameters of optimal removal of low-frequency noise from seismograms using the fingerprint method........................................................................................67
V.M. Makeev, E.A. Pikulik, S.N. Nikitin, I.V. Korobova Modern geodynamic systems of the Urals in relation to seismicity.................................83
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