The Russian Journal of Seismology
<< Vol 4, # 1 (2022 г.) Vol 4, # 2 (2022 г.) Vol 4, # 3 (2022 г.) >>


L.I. Ioganson, G.Yu. Donzova, L.D. Fleifel 
Atlantic seaquakes on 1.XI.1755 (Great Lisbon earthquake) and 31.III.1761................................................................................................................... 7

I.A. Sanina, N.L. Konstantinovskaya 
Features identification of quarry explosions in the central part of the East European Platform according to the data of the small-aperture group “Mikhnevo”...................... 23

S.P. Pivovarov, M.A. Efremenko, R.S. Pivovarov 
The possibility of determining magnitude MS of technogenic seismic events in the Voronezh Crystalline Massif territory...........................................................................33

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The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol.
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The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol.
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