The Russian Journal of Seismology
Новости сайта: The journal issue (V6, #4, 2024) was published

The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol. 6, No. 4) has been published. The content of the issue is formed from articles written by researchers of GS RAS and other Russian and foreign scientific organizations.

The issue opens with the article “Felt earthquake on March 4, 2024, Mw=5.0, in the Kyungey-Ala-Too ridg” (authors: I.N. Sokolova, A.V. Berezina, E.V. Pershina, I.P. Gabsatarova, I.L. Aristova), which is the result of cooperation between scientists from Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The article presents the results of the analysis of instrumental and macroseismic data of the Kungey earthquake on March 4, 2024 on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The uniqueness of this earthquake is that, firstly, its hypocenter is confined to the epicentral zone of the Kemin earthquake of 1911, and secondly, the Kungey earthquake was felt in Almaty and its suburbs with an intensity of 5 points. The authors demonstrated that a ring structure appeared by earthquakes with depths of up to 33 km formed before the Kungey earthquake, which is a predictor of strong crustal earthquakes.

Our colleagues from the Baikal branch of GS RAS and IEC SB RAS N.A. Gileva, M.A. Khritova, V.I. Melnikova presented the work “Database of seismological observations in the Severomuysky region of the Baikal rift during the operation of the local network of stations (1978-1993)”, in which they told about how the unique primary materials of seismological observations obtained in the period 1978-1993 were converted into digital format. For this purpose, a database was developed that provides a relational approach to storing and managing large volumes of information, including complete data on 15,832 earthquakes (information on stations, catalogs, bulletins, etc.). Obviously, this extensive seismological information, presented in digital form, is of great importance for assessing the seismic hazard of the study area.

Another article in this issue of the journal tells about a perceptible earthquake: “Instrumental and macroseismic parameters of the earthquake on April 10, 2024 with Mw=3.9 in Krasnodar region” (authors: A.S. Zvereva, I.P. Gabsatarova, A.I. Klyanchin). In addition to the results of determining the focal mechanism of this event, the authors report on their experience of macroseismic survey through Internet sources: online questionnaires on the website of seismological agencies, in VKontakte social network groups and Telegram messenger groups. As a result, the earthquake intensity values ​​​​for April 10, 2024 were determined in 42 populated places of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, a map of the isomacroseismic field was constructed.

The issue closes with an article by one of the regular authors of the Russian Seismological Journal from Novosibirsk, A.V. Mikheeva, “Distribution of the creepex-magnitude correlation parameter for big-depth seismicity in the context of global tectonics”. After the author had successfully applied the creepex parameter of seismicity to problems of geodynamic study of areas of preparation of large events, she moved on to new levels of research: regional and global. This paper examines the dynamics of the creepex-magnitude correlation parameter for the entire period covered by the global CMT catalog along the main seismic belts of the Earth. As a result, characteristic patterns were discovered on the eve of several major earthquakes, possibly associated with periodic fluctuations in the Earth's rotation speed.

12.12.2024 19:17 • silkin

The journal issue (V6, #4, 2024) was published
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