The Russian Journal of Seismology
Новости сайта: The journal issue (V5, #4, 2023) was published

The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol. 5, No. 4) has been published. The issue contains articles by Russian and foreign scientists. The works of domestic researchers were sent from scientific organizations in different regions of Russia.

At the beginning of the issue there is an article written by leading scientists of GS RAS on the current topic “Chemical explosion of October 18, 2023 at the Nevada Test Site” (authors: Yu.A. Vinogradov, I.N. Sokolova, I.P. Gabsatarova). The reader can become familiar with the values of kinematic and dynamic parameters determined for a given seismic event. A comparison was also made with known reference explosions and tectonic earthquakes on the test site in order to estimate the power and determine the nature of the source.

The article “Seismic activations in Turkey in the 17th – early 21st centuries and Kahramanmarash earthquakes on February 6, 2023”, written by representatives of Sсhmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Geophysical Survey of Russia Academy of Sciences (L.I. Ioganson, A.N. Ovsyuchenko, G.Yu. Dontzova) presents a deep historical excursion into the seismic regime in Turkey (Ottoman Empire). It leads us to an understanding of the processes that led to the next seismic activation, which quite possibly has not yet ended with the Kahramanmaraş earthquake of 2023.

The third article, “Characteristics of ring-shaped seismicity at depths up to 110 km prior to large and great earthquakes in subduction zones of the Pacific,” was written by authors from the same scientific organizations as in the previous case (Yu.F. Kopnichev, I.N. Sokolova). They consider the reasons for the formation of seismicity rings in the western and eastern Pacific Ocean, their connection with the dehydration of subducting plate rocks and the migration of deep fluids. The significance of the obtained data for predicting the maximum intensity of shaking, as well as assessing the tsunami hazard during strong earthquakes, is discussed.

The section of scientific articles is completed by the work of authors from scientific organizations in Novosibirsk and Moscow (A.V. Mikheeva, I.I. Kalinnikov) “On the influence of the supposed global deep fault on the strong earthquakes in Indonesia.” Using the GIS-ENDDB geographic information system, the geodynamic situation in the area of preparation for a series of Indonesian events, which began with two earthquakes on January 8 and 9, 2023, is investigated. It has been established that all 12 earthquakes are spatially confined to the sublatitudinal “Indonesian” seismic lineament with a length of 9500 km, identified by one of the large circles of the Earth. The fact of the formation of an organized state of the environment (a linear rigid structure) within the supposed deep fault, which influences the subsequent seismicity of the region in the form of a spatially related six-month series of strong earthquakes, is confirmed.

16.12.2023 17:54 • silkin

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